Saturday, 4 June 2011


I'm getting behind in my blogs. My, how time flies when you're having fun! I don't know how I found time when I was working full time.

Well I've been in Emerald in the Central Highlands for a few days visiting friends who are ex Gold Coast Rockers. The weather continues to be beautiful with clear blue skies and sunny days. The town is very busy and there's evidence of the flooding which occurred earlier, with plenty of repairs happening and the Coles complex has just reopened after all these months.

 I was here for the show on Tuesday and Wednesday and enjoyed looking at all the displays including the photographic competition which drew some 600 entries of a very high standard. Both Ann-Marie and Wayne and another friend are into cameras in a very big way and picked up prizes, so it was interesting to tag along with them and learn a bit about photography. The rest of the time we watched the log sawing, ate junk food, checked out the displays, watched a juggler, watched the fireworks and yakked.

Wednesday we went out to Rubyvale where they mine sapphires – too expensive for me though! We had a meal at the old pub which has been restored to its former character and style. Needless to say it has a few “characters” in there too, as many of the locals are people working on their claims. 

The van is going well with a few minor hiccups but I love driving it and living in it.

Today is Sunday so Ann and Wayne are at their dance class until lunch time. Then they’re coming home and after we eat we’ll go back to the classes. The afternoon session is Old Time and New Vogue so I hope I can remember some of the routines, because it’s been such a long time since I have done any of them. I’ve certainly been getting in a little bit of dancing, with 2 sessions already at line dancing. It’s a struggle doing anything other than  "Beginners”, mind you.

That's all to report for now so until next time, cheers. From Julianne.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying reading of your travels Julianne - keep the blogs coming. Wishing you safe travel. Adrienne
